Monday, November 20, 2006

What Wii Do

Some people have been asking what our site is, other than just a Flash game hosting site. Well in a nutshell we are trying to become the YouTube of gaming, so to speak. What sets us apart from the other Flash game hosts, is that we allow you to upload games at will (coming soon, for the time being just email your games to and you can make use of the Wii's fabulous WiiMote. You will be able to do that through the Opera Browser that is set to be released on the Wii sometime soon. So what we have is a system that allows any game enthusiast to create a game and take advantage of the WiiMote, through a very well known develpment tool, Flash.

As for the people wondering where the exclusive games are, we have decided to push those back to when the Opera Browser actually comes out. We should have 1 title for sure by then, with the possibility of another.


Fagotero said...

I like your initiative, it´s nice to see how people care about the Wii enjoyment. And let me be honest, this site will be in my first place bookmarks.

Cheers from Staff!

Anonymous said...

Can I ask a question ?

What does it mean that you can take advantage of the WiiRemote with these games ?

Can you play these games on the Nintendo Wii ? If so, how does that work ? How do you get a flash game onto the Wii ?

FireCad said...

great games, i made a piet page for my Wii and im going to add your site to is and tell all my freinds how have a wii.

Unknown said...

For 'anonymous', Nintendo is going to release a Opera browser for the Wii that will come bundled with flash (I'm hoping flash can be upgraded but I doubt it). So basically, you'll be using WiiCade with your browser on the Wii using the Wiimote as the 'mouse.'

I love it and thanks for setting this up. It's a brilliant idea and the possibilities are unlimited...

Anonymous said...


So all we need to know now is what version of Flash to develop for and how exactly we can get new content onto the Wii so that it can run the games.

I have a few games that I can convert to being Wii games.

Wonder if there will be a specific version of Flash needed like FlashLite for the mobile devices.

David said...

I created a new blog post to adress you issues with compatibility. I am quite excited to hear you are converting some games to be Wii Compatible!